Jimmys World Aircraft - This guy bought an old 6 seater and is restoring it video by video giving a real sense of what's involved while keeping it light.

The plane was a good investment, I think even though it didn't fly for a while it was maintained and the engine was always running.

Jimmys World Aircraft

Jimmys World Aircraft

But if he wants to stay cheap, I have to wonder why he replaced the old but workable "autopilot setting" with something cheap. A Piper side axle with STEC vertical axle can do everything you need, the Trutrack he plans to install can't even fly ILS….

Former Air Base Investing In Its History

I'm not sure if he did a thorough inspection of the plane before he bought it? Or was it after that?

This is a pretty good test of this autopilot. I posted it in the Trutrak thread. No way would I want it for a European IFR flight - especially since it's illegal to fly that way!

This shows that you can get lucky when you buy a cheap flight. Some people make a "sale price". I know someone who sold a nice TB20GT for about £110,000 and lots of old GTs are being advertised for a lot more.

No way would I want it for a European IFR flight - especially since it's illegal to fly that way!

Jimmie Angel: The Pioneering Aviator And The World's Highest Waterfall

I think you can fly in sync with tracking mode. If the A/P works well to maintain the track, it should work well.

The flying monkey guy is also good, I think he has a film background and knows how to tell a story.

I prefer the cosmopolitan version of Jimmy, "watch me when I'm down" and "son of B-ench dough" is fun. And while it's fun, the videos are serious and very interesting.

Jimmys World Aircraft

The interesting thing about both is that the Cherokee 6 is actually a very capable aircraft, and in some cases it is very cheap to buy.

Lockheed P 38 Lightning

Essentially the same shape as the Seneca, but with the same engine and functionality that allows for almost everything a regular Cherokee 180 can do, but with a little more space in the cabin. I can see families preferring this plane over other rigid planes.

I find it very strange how Americans buy airplanes like cars. So it is common there to buy a plane and train on it before the first lesson. I don't think this happens in Europe at all?

I think there have been 100 such hours since the Cherokee 6 last spring, done at about 2400 rpm, with the extended chassis. Maintenance logs could be 'lost' because all work on the airframe was done by the original owner of the aircraft, unattended, while he was flying it. The current IA will review the work "as found", correct any problems and sign off. The usual story with no story about what the plane would do in 100 hours of tachometer.

The plane doesn't care about all that. I'm glad to see that Jimmy bought it cheap, got a useful IA in place early, and did the follow-up work himself. Clearly, he is a hard worker in the 'Florida' zone.

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